
Current projects

User participation and innovation to increase person centering in social services

Funded by Forte. Project leader: Ulla-Karin Schön, Department of Social work, Stockholm University

The overall aim of the project is to develop and investigate methods for increasing user participation and user knowledge in social work practice, through participatory design.

Completed projects

PLACES – Purposeful Learning Across Collaborative Educational Spaces

Funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

Roligt, lärorikt och meningsfullt skrivande i skolan: Utveckling av digital pedagogik och skrivverktyg

I conducted a pre-study on the use of language technology in writing during August to December 2014. The pre-study was part of the larger project Alla kan skriva. Funded by VINNOVA. The report (in Swedish) can be found here: Språkteknologi för skrivande i skolan

WIDE – Writing to learn In Digital Environments

Funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
The purpose of this project is to gain understanding of the impact of digital tools on young writers literacy practices and to investigate in which ways design of digital tools could help teachers to make use of them for their specific pedagogic purposes. The project has the following specific research goals:

a) a better understanding of how digital tools affect literacy in the making
b) an informed design of digital tools and its specific pedagogic contexts of use, in order to help young writers to critically think about their meaning making
c) a better understanding of the gap between teenagers´ and young adults´ massive use of digital tools on the one hand, and the still problematic integration of digital tools into their pedagogic activities on the other hand.

You find more information about the WIDE-project and the publications from the project WIDE

Increasing automation of request management for public authorities by language technology

IMAIL – Intelligent e-mail answering service for eGovernment

The IMAIL-project develops and elaborates services in the field of e-administration that can rationalise communication between authorities and the public. IMAIL is a research project conducted by DSV and CSC (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) in collaboration with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and Statistics Sweden. The objective of the project is to partially automate these authorities’ e-mail reply procedures.

You find more information about the IMAIL-project here

Mobil läxhjälp

The use of language tools for writers in the context of learning Swedish as a second language


Integrated language tools for writing and document handling

SeaSum – Search and Summarize

Current projects

PLACES – Purposeful Learning Across Collaborative Educational Spaces

The world of education is currently undergoing significant changes as information and communication technologies are transforming how we think about schooling and learning (Collins and Halversont, 2010).This research application aims at:

• Understanding the intricacies and complexities of introducing mobile technologies into school’s curriculum and accepted teaching practices.
• Analyzing actual transformations that the use of mobile technologies in schools brings to contemporary forms of learning in the 21st century.

For the study of the types of transformations the use of technology brings into well-established teaching practices and classrooms talk structures, we have chosen to ground our research in the Instrumental genesis approach (Rabardel, 1995) and design-based research (DBR) research methods (Brown, 1992), as they blend empirical education research with the theory-driven design of learning environments.

PLACES project page

Completed projects

WIDE – Writing to learn In Digital Environments

The purpose of this project is to gain understanding of the impact of digital tools on young writers literacy practices and to investigate in which ways design of digital tools could help teachers to make use of them for their specific pedagogic purposes. The project has the following specific research goals:

a) a better understanding of how digital tools affect literacy in the making
b) an informed design of digital tools and its specific pedagogic contexts of use, in order to help young writers to critically think about their meaning making
c) a better understanding of the gap between teenagers´ and young adults´ massive use of digital tools on the one hand, and the still problematic integration of digital tools into their pedagogic activities on the other hand.

You find more information about the WIDE-project here

Increasing automation of request management for public authorities by language technology

IMAIL – Intelligent e-mail answering service for eGovernment

The IMAIL-project develops and elaborates services in the field of e-administration that can rationalise communication between authorities and the public. IMAIL is a research project conducted by DSV and CSC (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) in collaboration with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and Statistics Sweden. The objective of the project is to partially automate these authorities’ e-mail reply procedures.

You find more information about the IMAIL-project here

Mobil läxhjälp

The use of language tools for writers in the context of learning Swedish as a second language


Integrated language tools for writing and document handling

SeaSum – Search and Summarize